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Birth Chart Reading

Birth Chart Reading

Are you an astrologer yourself? You will find a detailed report of your planets in the signs, planets in the houses, and a list of your aspects. Your chart as a whole is you as a person. This product will be delivered to you via email.


🌙Please include:

  • Your name & pronouns
  • Your birthday
  • The time that you were born - This will help me determine a better reading of the chart and ensure that I can accurately list all of your signs & planets
  • Where you were born - City & state

    All sales are final as your birth charts are created to order each time.


    • This product will be delivered in an EMAIL. Please be sure to send all of the information to the site email address.
    • Creating birth charts can take me a minimum of 1 week to complete based on demand. You will be updated on the status of your order.
Excluding Sales Tax
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