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My Story

Hello, hello!


I'm a practicing clairsentient, which can help me sense the emotions of others. I can feel the energies within a room as well as when something is about to go wrong. I'm an experienced empath. This means I can feel the emotions of others as if they were my own. My intuition is accurate to where I can pick up on the vibes that others give off.


These combined abilities are helping me when it comes to providing my tarot card readings. At the very least, I do need to know your initials for readings. I may reject any readings that I'm not comfortable with.


While I am confident in my abilities, I do not provide that a guarantee that my cards will give you the answers that you are wanting. My cards give the answers that are needed, without sugarcoating anything.



Anyone that gifts something from my Amazon Wishlist, with a note, will be provided a FREE $15 tarot reading of their choosing.

Scheduling Hours

All Readings Are Online Through Email

Mon - Fri: 10am - 11:30pm
Satuday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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